• New Vegas, No Weapons ...

    • This blog tracks my self-set personal challenge to complete Fallout: New Vegas, using no weapons.
    • You can find a full detailed run-down of the what's and why by following this link: CLICK ME.
    • You can view the mods that I'm using on this page CLICK ME, to confirm if there are any game enhancers or things that could possibly help me in any way.
    • the game difficulty is currently set to Normal with Hardcore mode on, I shall attempt to raise difficulty unless it impedes progress.


Posted by Cratchety Ol Joe On

What Is Going On?

I will be playing the entire main story of Fallout: New Vegas, I will be engaging in combat (this is NOT a pacifist run) however I shall not be using weapons (see: play limitations)

I'll be doing side quests as a source of character advancing experience points, and additionally for the loot that I can sell to maintain my stocks of medications and armour.


  • I'll be using only mods which adjust non-game play elements (menus etc) and some mods which are considered bug fixers, but there is no content other than the base game and the major DLC additions.
  • You can view the mods that I'm using on this page CLICK ME, to confirm if there are any game enhancers or things that could possibly help me in any way.

Play Limitations

  • I will be using meta-gaming knowledge of Fallout: New Vegas, but will stick within the story and not deliberately access areas that I would otherwise have no reason to access.
  • Throughout the game, I will use no weapons, ranged or melee, my only combat recourse will be unarmed (I will stress that I'm not using any weapon, even those that are titled 'unarmed' shall not be used)
  • The game difficulty is currently set to VERY ARD (see notes below) with Hardcore mode on, I shall not adjust difficulty unless it impedes progress.
  • I will allow myself liberal and plentiful use of the in-game 'medications' to heal or enhance my character within the limitations of the in-game rules.

Notes on Game Difficulty:

1- Up until Session 9, the difficulty was set to Normal, however this simply was too easy, even without weapons, until such time as I see fit I've set the difficulty to Hard.

2- During my Journey into the Big MT at character level 16, I set the difficulty to 'easy' I found that the Roboscorpions were all but invincible to my unarmed attacks with the difficulty set up. Also there were several enemy attacks that could (and did) end my life far too quickly

3- Upon returning to Mojave at character level 28 I set the difficulty back up, and atually increased it from 'Hard' to 'Very Hard'

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